Prepare to cultivate empowerment, creativity, resilience, and healing with Resilience Alchemy: A Deck and Guidebook for Self-Discovery and Empowerment from celebrated cut-paper artist and creator of the Resilience Alchemy system Maude White and RP Studio!

Resilience Alchemy is a grounded yet enchanted, whimsical yet practical deck and guidebook set designed to offer support and guidance to anyone seeking to live an empowered, creative, and resilient life.

This soothing, practical, and imaginative deck and guidebook set is a specially created tool to foster meditation, healing, strength, and open-mindedness. The set features 83 cards with soothing colors and delicate line illustrations to spark creativity, and an accompanying interactive guidebook to support you on your resilience journey. The deck includes a Sisterhood to guide and advise, four suits of Remedies to address resilience in different areas of life, and a suit of universal Gifts.